My published works, organized by topic
Monetary Policy (9)
Gobbi, Lucio; D'Ippoliti, Carlo; Temperini, Jacopo, "The distributive impact of unconventional monetary policies – old and new" in REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, v. 2025 (planned)
Cirillo, Valeria; Corsi, Marcella; D'Ippoliti, Carlo; Gobbi, Lucio, "Asymmetric Effects of Macro Policies on Women's and Men's Incomes. An Empirical Investigation of the Eurozone Crisis in a Gender Perspective" in ECONOMIA POLITICA, v. 2024, (2024)
Temperini, Jacopo; D'Ippoliti, Carlo; Gobbi, Lucio, "Is the time ripe for helicopter money? Growth impact and financial stability risks of outright monetary transfers" in STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, v. 2024, (2024)
Amato, Massimo; Belloni, Everardo; Favero, Carlo; Gobbi, Lucio; Saraceno, Francesco, "Stabilising Market Expectations through a Market Tool: a Proposal for An Enhanced TPI" in ECONOMIA POLITICA, v. 2023
Gobbi, Lucio; Mazzocchi, Ronny; Tamborini, Roberto, "Monetary Policy, Rational Confidence and Neo-Fisherian Depressions" in METROECONOMICA, v. Volume 73, Issue 4 Pages: 959-1216, (2022)
Amato, Massimo; Gobbi, Lucio, "Making Environments Safer. A safe Asset for a Green (and Financial) New Deal and for More Responsible Central Banks: What Could, and Should, the ECB Do?" in CENTRAL BANKING, MONETARY POLICY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, Talloires, France: Edward Elgar, 2022. - ISBN: 9781800372221
Amato, Massimo; Belloni, Everardo; Falbo, Paolo; Gobbi, Lucio, "Europe, public debts, and safe assets: the scope for a European Debt Agency" in ECONOMIA POLITICA, v. 2021 vol. 38, n. Issue 3 (2021)
Amato, Massimo; Gobbi, Lucio, "Sentieri di sviluppo e aree monetarie: percorsi alternativi e vincoli strutturali. Un’introduzione" in MONETA E CREDITO, v. 2020, n. 289, vol 73, (2020). - URL: . - DOI: 10.13133/2037-3651_73.289_1
Gobbi, Lucio; Mazzocchi, Ronny; Tamborini, Roberto, "Monetary policy, de-anchoring of inflation expectations, and the “new normal”" in JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, v. 2019 61, (2019), p. 1-15. - URL: . - DOI: 10.1016/j.jmacro.2018.10.006
Financial Stability (5)
Gaffeo, Edoardo; Gobbi, Lucio, "Achieving Financial Stability During a Liquidity Crisis: a Multi-Objective Approach" in RISK MANAGEMENT, v. 2021, n. 23. 1 (2021), p. 48-74. - DOI: 10.1057/s41283-021-00082-7
Gaffeo, Edoardo; Gobbi, Lucio; Molinari, Massimo, "Liquidity contagion with a “first-in/first-out” seniority of claims" in ECONOMICS BULLETIN, v. 2019, 39 (4), (2019)
Caterini, G.; Gaffeo, E.; Gobbi, L., "How diverse are national banking systems? An analysis on banking business models, profitability, and riskiness" in ECONOMIC NOTES, v. 2019, (2019). - URL: . - DOI: 10.1111/ecno.12156
Gaffeo, Edoardo; Gobbi, Lucio; Molinari, Massimo, "The economics of netting in financial networks" in JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INTERACTION AND COORDINATION, v. in corso di pubblicazione, (2018). - DOI: 10.1007/s11403-018-0229-4
Gaffeo, Edoardo; Gobbi, Lucio, "Bilateral Netting and Contagion Dynamics in Financial Networks" in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 12th International Conference. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Cham: Springer, 2015, p. 369-376. - ISBN: 978-3-319-19637-4. - DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-19638-1_42
War Finance (4)
Fantacci, Luca; Gobbi, Lucio, "The Future of the International Monetary System: Geopolitics and Technology" in Digitalisation and Geopolitics: Catalytic Forces in the (Future) International Monetary System, Roma: Nuova Cultura, 2023, p. 19-47. - ISBN: 978-88-3365-572-7
Fantacci, Luca; Gobbi, Lucio; Luciani, Dario, "Bene pubblico globale o arma finanziaria? L’egemonia del dollaro alla prova delle sanzioni" in MONETA E CREDITO, v. V. 75 N. 298 (2022)
Fantacci, Luca; Gobbi, Lucio, "Stablecoins, CBDCs and US dollar hegemony. The geopolitical stake of money and payments." in ACCOUNTING, ECONOMICS AND LAW, v. 2021, (2021). - DOI:
Fantacci, Luca; Gobbi, Lucio, "Mobile capital as the ultimate form of war finance" in Critical Junctures in Mobile Capital, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2018, p. 93-112. - ISBN: 978-1107189515. - DOI: 10.1017/9781316995327.005
Monetary Innovation and Payment System (3)
Fama, Marco; Gobbi, Lucio; Lucarelli, Stefano, "Economic Policy, Regulation, and Cryptocurrencies" in A Companion to Decentralized Finance, Digital Assets, and Blockchain Technologies, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Lypiatts, 15 Lansdown Road, Cheltenham, Glos GL50 2JA, UK and The William Pratt House, 9 Dewey Court, Northampton MA 01060-3815, USA.: Edward Elgar, 2023. - ISBN: 978 1 0353 0775 3
Gaffeo, Edoardo; Gallegati, Mauro; Gobbi, Lucio, "Endogeneous clearing house formation in payment networks" in REVIEW OF EVOLUTIONARY POLITICAL ECONOMY, v. 2022, (2021)
Lucarelli, Stefano; Gobbi, Lucio, "Local clearing unions as stabilizers of local economic systems: A stock flow consistent perspective" in CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, v. 40, n. 5 (2016), p. 1397-1420. - URL: . - DOI: 10.1093/cje/bew021
Exchange Rates (2)
Gobbi, Lucio; Stefano, Lucarelli., "Pound Sterling depreciation and the Uk's trade balance versus the USA' s: industry-level estimates" in STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, v. 2022, 60: 206-220, (2022)
Gobbi, Lucio; Lucarelli, Stefano, "ECB quantitative easing, euro depreciation and supply chains: Industry-level estimates for Germany, Italy and Greece. New prospects for a Minskyan big bank?" in PSL QUARTERLY REVIEW, v. n. 296, vol 74, (2021)
Social Networks (1)
D'Ippoliti, Carlo; Gobbi, Lucio; Mongeau Ospina, Christian A; Zacchia, Giulia, "Social Determinants of Citations: An Empirical Analysis of UK Economists" in KYKLOS, v. 202